Stand Down Events Support Homeless Vets

October 2, 2013
Posted By Vets Vehicles

homeless veteran at stand down event

Stand downs are three day events sponsored by the Department of VA to support homeless veterans in local communities year-round.

The idea of a Stand Down originates from a term used during the Vietnam War to describe a safe retreat for units returning from combat operations. A Stand Down was a secure base camp where troops could receive medical and dental care, mail, a hot meal and the opportunity to interact with other troops in a safe environment. Just as Stand Downs in Vietnam were meant to offer war-weary soldiers a place to renew their sense of health, well-being and spirit, Stand Down events for homeless vets are also meant to provide support, encouragement and a sense of safety.

Stand Downs provide the following services for homeless veterans:

To see a schedule of upcoming Stand Down events, click here.

Photo courtesy of VA.Gov.